Wednesday 28 May 2014

Fruits and Passion

Well, we've got this line of products at my pharmacy called ''Fruits and Passion''.  There fruity smelling soaps, creams, bath products and stuff like that.  They are really great and sell well during Xmas, Mother's Day and what not.  Well, the company changed hands a couple of times and since that time the service really sucks.

Last Xmas, I finally got my order 2 weeks before Xmas and it was missing about half.  Because of this I sold 25% less during the Xmas season, which starts way before 2 weeks to Xmas.  For Mother's Day, I got my order 4 days before Mother's Day and only got 15% of my order.

I have a really nice setup at the pharmacy to sell the stuff, but the stuff is not getting here on time, or in the right quantities.

So here's what I've been thinking.  Our orthopedics products seem to be doing well and sales are increasing.  I'm thinking I might modify the space and use it for orthopedics, maybe even have one of those electric fourwheelers for old people on display for sale.  There's no orthopedics store in town, I would be the only one.  The closest store is 20 minutes highway down south.  My rep is going to send me all the info I need and then I'm gonna make a decision....

No solution yet

No solution yet for the problem with my pharmacist.  I tried helping out more to see if there really is a problem with the way to lab works and also decreasing the workload.  The pharmacist in question looked happier while I was there and didn't complain, but as soon as I'm gone it starts up again.  I think one of the problems stem from the fact that she was planning to eventually buy the pharmacy before I came along.  But when her boss was ready to sell, she wasn't ready.  I think she resents me alot, and blames me for the fact that her plan never came to fruition.

Anyway, since I couldn't see a real problem with the lab, I guess it's time for me to confront her.  We'll see how that goes.

Anybody have any suggestions??